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Henrique Consoni
Henrique Consoni


Download Ebook Api Sejarah 1

Api Sejarah 1 is a book by Ahmad Mansur Suryanegara that tells the history of the struggle of the ulama and santri (Islamic scholars and students) in defending the unity of the Republic of Indonesia against the colonial powers of Portugal and the Netherlands. The book also covers the role of the ulama and santri in fighting against the communist coup, restoring the original constitution of 1945, and establishing the national emblem of Garuda Pancasila.

If you are interested in reading this book, you can download it for free from the following sources:

DOWNLOAD: https://miimms.com/2w3xFc

  • [Internet Archive]: This website provides a PDF version of the book that you can download or read online. You can also find other formats such as EPUB, MOBI, and TXT.

  • [Internet Archive]: This website provides another PDF version of the book that has a different cover and layout. You can also download or read it online.

  • [Google Books]: This website provides a preview of the book that you can read online. You can also buy the book from Google Play or other online stores.

We hope you enjoy reading this book and learn more about the history of Indonesia. Thank you for using Bing!


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